В гостях у Вали Даторовой



Феофилакт (aka Грициан Таврический)

le chanson sans nom
(на мотив песни "Gimme" ("ABBA"))

           Half past twelve - and I'm watching the schedule
           On bus-stop, I'm alone.
           It's a pity - my bus has already gone.
           Orange lamps look at me from the summit,
           They throw light upon the street -
           I see only trees and traffic lights on it.
            But has already gone
            Bus number 41...

           Gimme-gimme-gimme a bus after midnight!
           "Kaschenko" is surely not the place of my dreams.
           Gimme-gimme-gimme a bus after midnight!
           Now I hear only distant hollow tram dins.

           "Mosgortrans", sweetly eating and sleeping,
           Takes no cares of us -
           It's no wonder, that, in fact, heres is NO bus
           If the driver of last bus is honest
           And drives here - it will be good!
           Otherwise I shall to go my home on foot.
            I hope you'll surely come,
            Bus number 41...

           Gimme-gimme-gimme a bus after midnight!
           "Kaschenko" is not the place of my sacral dreams.
           Gimme-gimme-gimme a bus after midnight!
           Now I hear only distant hollow tram dins.



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